Commuter town. Rooms to rent

Digital photomontage in light box from colour slide film, 120mm - medium format
100 x 240 x 10 cm

Ciudad Dormitorio. Se alquilan habitaciones (2000) appears to be backlit advertising poster created to reconstruct and advertise a kind of future architecture, the 3-metre digital collage is made up of hundreds of layers of industrial and archaeological photography. A complex daring work, selected to compete for the Gure Artea 2000 prize.


Selected at GURE ARTEA Prize organised by the Basque Government. Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Center, exhibitions hall. San Sebastián


GURE ARTEA 2000. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco, 2000. / “Pilar Soberon ORO-GRAFIK”. (2011). San Sebastián: Cultura y Política Lingüística Dept., EJ-GV.