In progress- in development

Collage and ink drawings on paper
190 x 260 cm

A second skin of drawings on tissue paper covered the interior of the Arista building in San Sebastián to create the En Construcción-En Gestación (1999-2006) installation curated by Ainara Martín; corridors, stairs and entrances showed a series de utopian projects that questioned social and political aspects of society in the new millennium such as Ciudad Vegetal 2000, Piensa usted que el arte es IN-, ¿Y tú qué quieres vivir en una burbuja o qué? and Telepelota (2000). Produced in pencil, felt-tip pen and collage the installation was rounded off by the video, Euskotren y Rezola Vamos en tu misma dirección. The works were triggered by air currents and the movement of visitors to create their own sound.


IN-FLUIDO. Exhibitions Hall Torre-Luzea, Zarautz, (Gipuzkoa). /. PROYECTOS EN CONSTRUCCION-EN GESTACION. Arista Bulding, San Sebastián. /. CONNEXIONS. Arteko Galería, San Sebastián