Isotropic forest

Photographic mosaic
150 x 300 cm

Transforming photographs into sensors of fluidity and change is the basis of this art work open to experimentation. Bosque isotrópico is made up of 109 photographs that expand in constant directions just like water. Stephen Hawking defines the concept of an isotrpopic forest as a uniform space in expansion, in which our perception is constant in all directions, just like the universe observed at larger scales. The project was presented at the Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Centre in Donostia-San Sebastián as part of the collective exhibition, Paisaiaren Murmurioak / When the landscape speaks.


PAISAIAREN MURMURIOA / CUANDO EL PAISAJE HABLA, (2015) Exhibitions Hall KMK Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastián


"Paisaiaren murmurioa" San Sebastián: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea. / “Tiempo entrópico Pilar Soberon. Obras 2012-2016”. (2016). San Sebastián: Cultura y Política Lingüística Dept., EJ-GV.