
Drawing in silver ink on wall and cast aluminum sculpture
250 x 400 cm approx.

The unfocused silver line of the mural drawing Isotropía (2015) forms an extension of the work, Atximurrak, as both works outline overall a non-conventional, non-uniform space, in which forms and lines follow one another at random, subverting the standard –up and down– laws of perception.


PAISAIAREN MURMURIOA / CUANDO EL PAISAJE HABLA, (2015) Exhibitions Hall KMK Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastián


"Paisaiaren murmurioa" San Sebastián: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea. / “Tiempo entrópico Pilar Soberon. Obras 2012-2016”. (2016). San Sebastián: Cultura y Política Lingüística Dept., EJ-GV.