Metamorfosis (Metamorphosis

latex, steel rod, jute, feathers and wax
102 x 36 x 32 cm each piece

The series of twelve sculptures, Metamorfosis, emerged as an invitation to change; latex chrysalises created with my body as a record, take the form of human placentas to cover, protect and propose a metamorphosis from human to animal.


UZTARO 95. Arteleku. Donostia. / ARTISTIC CREATION FELLOWSHIP in Sculpture, awarded by Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa. /. Selected at BIENAL D’ ART MODERN 1996, XXVIII PREMIO JULIO ANTONIO D’ ESCULTURA. Tarragona. / / ASPECTS DE LA SEXUALITE, vus par les artistes D´aujourd hui. Tutesall au Grund, Luxemburg. (France) / REGARDS. Centre Hospitalier de Hoerdt, Estrasburgo, (France) /. HISTOIRE D` UN VOYEUR. Galeria L´Homme de bois. Honfleur, (France) and Tutesall-Luxemborurg-Grund, Honfleur, (France).


"Uztaro 95: becas de creación artística 1994-1995". San Sebastián: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa. / "Biennal d’Art, 1996, XXX Premi Tapiró de Pintura. XXVIII Premi Julio Antonio d’Escultura". Tarragona: Museu d’Art Modern, / “Pilar Soberón ORO-GRAFIK”, (2011). San Sebastián: Dep. Cultura y Política Lingüística. EJ-GV.