Reference to Kafka’s Bucket rider

paper and thread
60 x 50 x 50 cm

A lightweight sculpture sways in the air, this is Cita al jinete del cubo de Kafka (1995), a tribute to Der Kübelreiter (Franz Kafka, 1917), a backpack made of paper and yarn designed for times of crisis, it is empty and its sole feature is its lightness, as if it were full it wouldn’t be able to fly. The work created using paper and stitched with sutures creates a sense of winged movement through its volatile nature. On the surface of the paper folds and spots have been carved out that advocate memory and action, as if this were a translucent second skin. The sculpture won First prize at the Gipuzkoa New Artists Competition 1996.


Selected at PLASTIC ARTS at the XXXVI COMPETITION FOR NEW ARTISTS of Gipuzkoa. Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Center, San Sebastián.


"Certamen de Artistas Noveles, Centro Cultural Koldo Mitxelena" San Sebastian: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Fundación Kutxa., 1995, Catalogue