The Connexions exhibition could be seen at the Arteko gallery in San Sebastián where a space was created in-situ for sensory perception through rhizomatic concepts, multiplicity, diaphonous elements and the movement of the public.

A series of works on paper emerge from reflecting on Deleuze’s and Derridá’s thinking, with concepts like rhizomatic learning, multiple entry and exit points, which blend with fluid and organic elements. The pieces are triggered by the circulation of air and by visitors walking by. The sound of the slight rumble of paper also intervenes throughout the entire work in the utopian projects, En Construcción-En Gestación.

However the most poetic and all-embracing piece was definitely Los durmientes, an ephemeral installation with 600-700 magnolia petals that sway in the air when they fall from the ceiling to create a vibrant ovoid dome-shaped cavity. The wide variety of their folded shapes allude to their liquid origin, process and fleeting existence. During the creation of the work the series of photographs, Injertos, emerges in a kind of symbiosis between work and process, the magnolia petals and the artist’s body.

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